Artist Profile: Justin Teel

Justin Teel

521 Stonemont
Manhattan, KS 66503

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Without the ability to express ones ideas or concept, art as a whole would not exist. An individuals artwork is a constant search for the best way to express these thoughts and feelings. So in away I feel that we should not be limited to one medium or concept. That over time our inspiration and ideas change. So therefore ones knowledge and experiences changes with our lives. Each piece we create is an extension of ones past, and present along with their our hopes and dreams. What we experience and what we learned is a way allows us to step out of ours past and guides us into ones future. These ideas are the mainstay and focus of my artwork and in this way it leads me though a body of work that began with my use of texture and concept of ideas. These conception can being ones consciousness to the foreground. Forcing the viewer to re-evaluate their perception of the artwork.When it comes texture for me it can become many thing, from the focus of an idea to laying of an effect of a piece of artwork itself. I feel creating my artwork in this way leads to the exploration of ones feelings, thoughts, or wonder for the viewer. This plays into a space around the image, interlocking the space and idea into one concept that, we can classify as a piece of artwork. Without this I strongly believe that the focus and meaning is lost to the viewer. Although we have the general concept and impression of what makes an image, photograph, or a sculpture. It is my opinion that is there is more to this concept of what is in front of us. I feel that the viewer needs to focus on subject matter, the process of how making of the artwork, how the image or sculpture is constructed, and the space around the work. These ideas very important to my work as a artist