Artist Profile: Heather Young

Heather Young

1200 W. 93rd Ter
Kansas City, MO 64114-3226

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BEHIND THE LENS…. Heather loves to travel and show others the world from a perspective that they might not otherwise see. She is an avid SCUBA diver who got certified with her Dad in 1988. From vast landscapes to underwater to the tiniest details of macro photography, Heather has shared the world from behind her lens for over 30 years. Growing up with a darkroom in her basement back in the day of film cameras, she would spend many hours on different projects for school. The love of photography has never left her, although the methods are vastly different now! Heather makes images from her travels all over the world from Egypt, Philippines, Bahamas, Bonaire, different parts of the United States and her own backyard just to name a few! Heather can frequently be found underwater or traipsing through the woods with her rescue dog, Phoenix.